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"Boer, Jan A. de" <[log in to unmask]>
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Boer, Jan A. de
Mon, 21 Aug 2017 16:32:18 +0200
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De IAU zond een aantal interessante links over zonsverduisteringen.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Jan de Boer


Drs. J.A. de Boer, secretaris

Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging voor Weer- en Sterrenkunde

Prinses Irenelaan 1, 9765 AL Paterswolde

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Tel. 050 309 4290


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach <[log in to unmask]>
Date: 2017-08-20 12:00 GMT+02:00
Subject: August 21, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse Celebrations Around the World
To: [log in to unmask]

The world's most awaited eclipse is here, and you can celebrate from around
the world, wherever you are!
*The world's most awaited eclipse is here, and you can celebrate from
around the world, wherever you are!*

Dear friends and colleagues,

We're in the final countdown to August 21 Total Solar Eclipse. Wherever you
are, we wish you all clear skies and that you have an amazing experience!
In the last months, through our IAU Astronomy Outreach Newsletters, we have
been continuously featuring some of the best programs around - from the
multitude of programs in the US, where the totality can be seen from coast
to coast, to the many places that will experience a partial solar eclipse.
As continuous messages with activities continue to reach us, we don't want
to miss the opportunity to share, one last time, some of the great programs

*UNAWE - Experience the 21 August Total Solar Eclipse from Anywhere*
UNAWE has compiled a collection of dedicated live casts, activities and
programmes that will be held worldwide in celebration of this amazing
celestial event.

*Astronomers Without Borders (AWB) - Eclipse 2017 Programs*
Astronomers Without Borders has several programs bringing the eclipse to
underserved communities, and building on the inspiration of the eclipse.

*American Astronomical Society (AAS) - Sun... Moon... You!*
If you are looking for an eclipse-viewing party or other community events,
check AAS interactive map search for eclipse-related activities!

*NASA - Total Solar Eclipse*
NASA created this website to provide a guide to this fantastic event. Here
you will find activities, events, broadcasts, and resources from NASA and
their partners across the US.

*IAU Office of Astronomy for Development (OAO) - The sound of the great
American eclipse*
A team of researchers with the support from the IAU Office of Astronomy for
Development have developed a device that will allow people to listen to the
first total solar eclipse of the century visible from the United States.

*GLOBE at Night - How Dark Does the Sky Get During a Solar Eclipse?*
Join the latest citizen science Globe at Night project - this time an
eclipse special! How Dark Does the Sky Get During a Solar Eclipse?

*We would like to ask you to take this last opportunity to share this
information with your community.* Last, but not least, we send a special
Thank You to everyone that, over the last months, sent us their favourite
ways of how to celebrate this amazing total solar eclipse.

Clear Skies & a Great Total Solar Eclipse to you all!
The IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach team

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