I would like to pay your attention to available internships CEVA Logistics is providing for students enrolled within Dutch Universities.


We are currently looking for students for several positions in multiple departments of CEVA Logistics company (including HR, Finance, IT, Legal, Marketing and Communication, TAX and more). The overview of mentioned can be found via this link:



It would be much appreciated if you could distribute this information via internal sharing engines so students could access this information.


It is a very good opportunity for student to gain some experience and put theory into practice.


If you have any further questions or advice please do not hesitate to contact me.



Kindest regards,


Aga Nizinska

HR Trainee, GHO


CEVA Logistics / Siriusdreef 20, 2132 WT Hoofddorp, The Netherlands / www.cevalogistics.com

T +31 (0) 23 568 3592 [log in to unmask]


Making business flow

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