Hi All,

unless somebody brings up important items, the agenda can be short:
1. Quick update on progress, in particular:
   - possibility of new places in the CIT hierarchy for LWP people,
   - RedHat vs. Debian/Ubuntu,
   - authentication,
   - Wiki/Forum (
2. Storage, in particular (and just to start with):
   - whether to store userdata on the disk, on the SAN, or somewhere
   - whether to store userdata in multiple places in case the network
goes down / the disk crashes,
   - where to store 'profiles' (i.e. dotfiles),
   - if storing on disk, what partition and what FS to use,
   - if storing on network, where to store relative to Windows data,
   - whether to trust users with distinguishing between
'important' (i.e. backed up) data and other data,
   - and any related issues.
3. QBC

Kind Regards,