Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

Last modification: 26 october 2011

Listserv: Request Form

The Request Form mentioned below can be used for the request of a RUG-discussion list.

Please fill out the following information about your listserv request and submit electronically. Required Fields are designated with an asterisk * and must be filled out to submit the form.

Request Form

Requestor Information

Your Name:
Your Institute:
Your Email:
Your Tel.nr.:
Your Relation:

Proposed List Name:(only lowercase letters and no spaces or special characters)


List Title:


40 letters max, serves as a brief description of the list.

List Description:


in detail, 180 letters maximum

Owner information:

Primary owner:*

Full Name Email Address

Second owner: (optional)

Full Name Email Address

third owner: (optional)

Full Name Email Address

List owner(s) are responsible for setting the list policy's. The list owner is also responsible for subscribing members and/or providing subscription instructions to potential members. At least one owner needs to have an RuG email address. If you need to add more owners, you may do this yourself once the list is created.

Type of List:

Open Discussion List

  • An open list where all subscribers can send mail to the list without intervention.
  • Usually set up to have one or two owners and many subscribers.
  • Used where free and open discussion is encouraged among participants.

Announcement Only List

  • A one-way communication list usually used for the announcement of upcoming events or other important notices.
  • Usually set up to have one or two owners; one or more editors who are allowed to send mail to the list and many subscribers.
  • All other subscribers cannot send mail to the list. Only owners/editors can send mail to the list.

Full Name and Email Address of Editors:

Editors can post to the list without approval; they cannot add or remove subscribers

Moderated List

  • A controlled discussion list where subscribers can send mail to the list but it must be approved by a moderator before it is distributed to the list.
  • Usually set up to have one or two owners; one or more moderators who share message approval duties; one or more editors who are allowed to send mail to the list without moderator approval.

Full Name and Email Address of Moderators:

Moderators approve messages to the list; they cannot add or remove subscribers

List Full Name and Email Address of Editors for your Moderated List

Editors can post to the list without moderator approval; they cannot approve messages to the list; they cannot add or remove subscribers

List Confidentiality:

List will not appear on the list of all public lists. (Recommended for private lists.)
List will appear on the list of all public lists. (Great if you want people to know about your list. A good list title is imperative.)

List Notebooks:

No log is kept.
All list mail is kept and can be retrieved.

Only list subscribers can retrieve the list's logs.
Anyone can request the list's logs and daily digests.

Additional Comments or Instructions:

Press "Submit" to send your entries.

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